Friday, December 28, 2012

Arriving in Australia

Just a few interesting days. Upon arrival I headed for Glen and Jamie's place and where we celebrated christmas with Heather and Mart and I was able to shake off most of the jetlag. Some walking, slacklining and Xboxing filled those 2 coastal days. Can you think of a better setting for a slackline?

Yesterday was quite an international make-it-all-come-together day. It started by driving the Kiwi-car to the Sydney airport to pick up Canadians Rob and Leif and hand the Kiwi-car over to them. From there, we picked up my glider from the shipping company and the headed to the Moyes factory, because Michelle was going to take my glider to Forbes and I was asked to drive Vicky's car there. At the factory, I met Polona. Polona was supposed to stay the night at Vicky's and I was going to stay at Kath's place. Since that was quite an organizational overhead, we decided not to stay in Sydney any longer and head for Forbes immediately. And yes, we did do the tourist thing and stopped at the Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains:

All in all, it was dark when we drove the last 150 km and yes, you do have to watch out for wildlife. After cruising around for a while, I had to hit the brakes quite hard when a Wallaby suddenly showed up in the middle of the road. We were warned for the rest of the trip.

Arriving late in Forbes, where the Australian Jazz convention is going on, meant that we didn't find a place to sleep, so Forbes airfield was the place to go. And this was sunrise:

My glider should be here tonight. Let the games begin!

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